
Add Rhythm to Your Sales: How to Build and Manage Effective Sales Cadences

Amelia H.
August 9, 2023
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Add Rhythm to Your Sales: How to Build and Manage Effective Sales Cadences

An artist by the name of Vincent Van Gogh once expressed ,"Great matters are not accomplished by an impulse but by a chain of small actions brought together." Just as the artist changes a chain of brush strokes into a painting,so too a sales rep should make a chain of actions into a sales course of action.

To take from the self-aid writer Robert Collier, their achievements in deals "is the total of little efforts, replicated day in and day out." The obstacle is to arrange those activities into what we call a sales rhythm.

Add Rhythm to Your Sales: How to Build and Manage Effective Sales Cadences

Picture this as a harmony of phone calls, messages and social media connections. This will assist to move an interested party from preliminary contact to involvement, interaction to discussion and, ultimately, to acquiring.

But this is the central issue. There is no sole secret solution. It is preferable to set your own pace and beat. Here are some suggestions to help you accomplish that.

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Amelia H.

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