
Creating a Well-Structured System to Organize Sales Leads

Emma S.
August 5, 2023
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Creating a Well-Structured System to Organize Sales Leads

If your morning starts with getting through muddled guide inventories, you could waste promising chances trying to find the essential facts rather than responding to your guide.

The good news is that you are not by yourself: About 41% of businesses have trouble keeping in touch with leads while they stay curious. Another 29% of respondents remark that filtering and channeling prospects is the greatest impediment to influencing transformation to sales.

At one stage, our contact lists at Belkins were totally a mess additionally. Still, we figured it out by building our private systemization tactic that makes it a breeze to prioritize our initiatives and zero in on the most likely possibilities.

At present, we're explaining how you can organize revenue prospects to aid you immediately locate the data you require and follow up without going wrong a beat.

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Creating a Well-Structured System to Organize Sales Leads

Most usual approaches for saving your prospective consumer rosters

In considering how to organize sales prospects, there are two paths to take: spreadsheets (e.g., Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel) and software for sales administration (CRM systems). Ultimately, the choice that is best depends on the size of your business and its precise necessities. Here is a rewritten version of the sentence in a more varied tone while maintaining the same number of words: With an eye toward summarizing each option's strengths and weaknesses, let's cast our gaze briefly over the advantages and disadvantages inherent in both possibilities.

Both Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel let people create and edit electronic spreadsheets stored in the cloud or on personal computers.

An usual approach to organize those guiding prospects is to arrange them in a worksheet, especially without a CRM strategy. Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel each have plenty of built-in choices like functions, filters, drop-downs, etcetera. that let you enriching prospect management.

Here's a demonstration of the way our top scientists and sales agents formalize likely purchasers:

Both Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel let people create and edit electronic spreadsheets stored in the cloud or on personal computers.

Pros and Cons of Organizing Sales Leads in Spreadsheets

Using spreadsheets to organize sales leads can be a simple and cost-effective solution, but it also has its limitations. Here are the pros and cons of using spreadsheets for lead management:


1. Ease of Use: Spreadsheets are user-friendly and familiar to most sales professionals. Creating and updating lead lists, adding new leads, and making changes to existing information can be done quickly and without the need for extensive training.

2. Customizable: Spreadsheets offer flexibility in how you structure and categorize your leads. You can create custom columns, add formulas for lead scoring, and apply various filters to segment leads based on specific criteria.

3. Low Cost: Spreadsheets are generally available at no additional cost, especially if you're using software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. This makes them an attractive option for small businesses or individuals with limited budgets.

4. Offline Access: With spreadsheets, you can work offline, which is helpful when you don't have internet access or need to access lead data on the go without relying on cloud-based applications.

5. Data Control: Storing lead data in spreadsheets gives you complete control over how you manage and manipulate the information. You can decide how to structure, sort, and analyze the data based on your unique needs.


1. Limited Automation: Spreadsheets lack advanced automation features compared to dedicated CRM software. Tasks such as lead scoring, automated follow-ups, and lead nurturing may require manual effort, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities.

2. Data Integrity Issues: Manual data entry in spreadsheets increases the risk of human errors and data duplication. These issues can lead to inaccurate lead information and compromise the quality of your sales efforts.


3. Limited Collaboration: Spreadsheets can become difficult to manage and share as your team grows. Collaborating on spreadsheets in real-time may lead to version control problems and hinder efficient teamwork.

4. Lack of Insights: Spreadsheets may not provide comprehensive insights into lead behavior and engagement. Tracking lead interactions and understanding their journey through the sales funnel can be challenging without advanced analytics.

5. Scalability Challenges: As your lead database expands, managing and analyzing data in spreadsheets can become overwhelming. Spreadsheets may not be able to handle large volumes of data efficiently, leading to slower performance and increased complexity.

6. Security Concerns: Spreadsheets may not offer the same level of data security as dedicated CRM systems. Data breaches or accidental sharing of sensitive information are more likely with spreadsheets stored on local devices.

Tips to keep your lead list organised in spreadsheets:

1. Identify basic data points: Start by determining the essential information you need to track for each lead, such as company size, location, lead's name, job title, and other relevant details based on your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). You can create a custom template or use a pre-designed spreadsheet template that fits your needs.

2. Remove duplicates: Regularly check for and remove any duplicate entries in your lead list. Use functions like VLOOKUP or other tools to automate the process of searching for repeated entries or matches with your "do not contact" list.

3. Utilize additional formulas: Depending on your requirements, employ various spreadsheet functions to manipulate and analyze your lead data. For instance, formulas like CONCATENATE, COUNT, COUNTIF, AVERAGE, AVERAGEIF, and others can help you calculate metrics, filter and sort data, apply conditional formatting, and generate reports.

4. Leverage add-ons and extensions: Take advantage of add-ons and extensions available for your spreadsheet software. These tools can help with formatting tasks (e.g., ChangeCase) and automate certain processes (e.g., Email Verification) to save time and improve accuracy.

5. Implement drop-downs for status tracking: To gain visibility into the status of each lead, create custom statuses and use drop-down menus to assign them to individual leads. This enables you to easily filter and sort leads based on their current status, such as qualified, follow-up, or agreement sent.

6. Establish formatting guidelines: Set consistent formatting guidelines for your lead list to maintain a professional and organized appearance. This will make it easier to search for specific information and ensure uniformity throughout the document.

7. Use inbuilt data cleanup options: Take advantage of inbuilt data cleanup features in your spreadsheet software. For instance, the 'Trim whitespaces' option can be helpful before sending emails to leads as it removes extra spaces from selected cells or ranges, ensuring clean and error-free communication.

Tips to keep your lead list organised in spreadsheets:

CRM system

Even though spreadsheets may be acceptable in the beginning, scaling is much simpler with a system like CRM. For Belkins’ situation, we moved to HubSpot, which made selling simpler and helped us understand how to arrange selling actions such as managing new possible customers.

We possess a technique that maintains order in our process.The largest regularity we hold is confirming that every solitary active deal in our process has a job established for a forthcoming contact again. Therefore as a result of the data the revenue official discovers in the sales discovery regarding the prospect’s schedule, we can make certain that we are contacting them at the right time and that no deals slip through the cracks.This allows us to stay in touch with prospects and keep the deals advancing through our revenue phases.

Greg Hicks, Vice President regarding Sales by Belkins.

"Here is the process our system follows:"

HubSpot is a popular Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software that offers lead management capabilities. Here are some

 pros and cons of using HubSpot for lead management:


1. Comprehensive lead tracking: HubSpot allows you to track leads throughout the entire sales funnel, from the moment they enter as a prospect to the point of conversion. This comprehensive tracking enables better lead nurturing and personalized interactions.

2. Integration with marketing automation: HubSpot's CRM integrates seamlessly with its marketing automation platform, allowing you to automate lead nurturing campaigns, email marketing, and other marketing activities. This integration streamlines your lead management and marketing efforts.

3. Contact and activity management: With HubSpot, you can easily manage contacts and their activities. The platform captures all interactions with leads, such as email opens, website visits, and content downloads, providing valuable insights for sales and marketing teams.

4. Lead scoring: HubSpot offers lead scoring functionality that helps prioritize leads based on their engagement level and fit with your ideal customer profile. This feature ensures that your sales team focuses on the most qualified leads first.

5. Reporting and analytics: HubSpot provides robust reporting and analytics tools that give you insights into the performance of your lead management efforts. You can track metrics like conversion rates, sales pipeline, and campaign success, helping you make data-driven decisions.

6. Customization and flexibility: HubSpot allows you to customize your lead management process according to your specific business needs. You can create custom fields, set up workflows, and tailor the CRM to align with your sales process.


1. Cost: HubSpot can be relatively expensive, especially for small businesses or startups with limited budgets. While it offers various pricing plans, some of the more advanced features may come at an additional cost.

2. Learning curve: HubSpot's CRM and marketing automation tools have a learning curve, especially for users who are new to the platform. It may take some time and training for your team to fully utilize all the features effectively.

3. Feature limitations: While HubSpot's CRM is robust, it may lack some advanced features found in other specialized CRM solutions. If your business has unique requirements, you may find certain functionalities limited.

4. Dependency on the platform: Once you adopt HubSpot for lead management, you become reliant on the platform for various sales and marketing functions. Migrating to another CRM in the future could be challenging and time-consuming.

5. Limited automation in the free version: HubSpot offers a free version of its CRM, but it comes with limitations on automation and advanced features. To access full automation capabilities, you may need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Tips on how to systematize sales leads in HubSpot CRM

Guidance on how to organize sales possibilities in HubSpot CRM. Sales openings ought to be organized in a manner that permits you to prioritize, categorize, and deal with them efficiently. Here are some useful tips : Segment sales leads in HubSpot CRM based on priority. Divide sales openings into groups like high, medium, and low priority. This will allow you to focus your time on the most significant opportunities.Group leads in

To help you gain complete control over your pipeline at HubSpot, here are some useful strategies from our salesmen:

  • Organise your prospects based on fixed measures. To take the random factor out of your prospect guidance, use identical points to identify them.Being aware of those measures, you'll be able to find the required information much faster.
  • Gain the capacity of dynamic registers. Such leading registers automatically modernize once the heads encounter exact standards or earn a defined Hubspot rating.
  • Produce tailored filters. Keep them to accelerate future inquiries for information.
  • Initiate automated routines. This is one of our revenue personnel's most valued functions as it assists in implementing particular tasks without their straight participation.For instance, you can create triggers to activate follow-up sequences relying on pre-decided occurrences, behavior, dates, and therefore on.
  • The order is arranged by precedence and handle period. This kind of methodology assists you comprehend the property of your opportunities and allocate your initiatives correspondingly.
  • Brian Hicks stresses that sorting prospects based on importance not solely enhances sales team concentration but equally makes them agree with a BDR group:
Tips on how to systematize sales leads in HubSpot CRM

To keep your lead list organized in spreadsheets, follow these tips:

1. Identify basic data points: Include relevant information such as company size, location, lead's name, job title, and other data that aligns with your ideal customer profile.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Business email address
  • LinkedIn profile

2. Check for duplicates: Avoid data duplication by adding a column to check for repeated entries or matches with your "do not contact" list. Use functions like VLOOKUP to automate this process.

3. Use additional formulas: Depending on your requirements, use formulas like CONCATENATE, COUNT, COUNTIF, AVERAGE, AVERAGEIF, and others to calculate metrics, filter and sort data, perform conditional formatting, and generate reports.

  • Website
  • Social media
  • Advertising campaigns, divided by platforms
  • Email marketing
  • Referrals
  • Events and trade shows
  • Content marketing
  • Direct outreach 
  • Partnerships or affiliations
  • Offline channels (like print media, radio, TV, outdoor advertising, etc.)

4. Utilize add-ons and extensions: Leverage add-ons and extensions to enhance formatting and automation in your spreadsheet. For example, use ChangeCase for formatting and Email Verification for data cleanup.

5. Add drop-downs for status tracking: Assign custom statuses to each lead to gain visibility on their progress in the sales funnel. This helps you filter and prioritize leads based on their status.

6. Establish formatting guidelines: Set formatting standards to maintain consistency and make it easier to search for specific information in the lead list.

Forecasted revenue = Deal size x Conversion rate from previous 3 months

So the forecasted revenue for each stage would look like this:

Forecasted revenue (Discovery call) = $80,000 x 25% = $20,000

Forecasted revenue (Trial) = $250,000 x 55% = $137,500

Forecasted revenue (Offer sent) = $200,000 x 85% = $170,000

Based on these, you can calculate weighted revenue:

Weighted revenue = $20,000 + $137,500 + $170,000 = $327,500

by organizing your lead list in spreadsheets with these tips, you can efficiently manage your leads, track their progress, and improve your lead management process.

To keep your lead list organized in spreadsheets, follow these tips:

In closing,

Making a choice on how to arrange your sales leads is an issue of funds, comfort, and desire. In summary, these are a handful of items for your reflection:

Spreadsheets exist free, the simplest to start with although challenging to expand. Customer Relationship Management systems provide free plans for lead management, but with limited features.

No definite resolution: You must decide what components are important for the management of prospects.

Form criteria drafts for future direct catalogues.

Keep accounts current following every conversation for fear of neglecting the chance. Revise documents after each conversation thus as not to lose a lone opportunity. Alter entries after each exchange so as not to miss any opportunity. Adjust the annals after each interchange so as not to forget a lonely chance.

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Emma S.

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