
Laurie Page: Calling Should Ultimately Be Part of Your Touch Cadence

Josh B.
July 31, 2023
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Laurie Page: Calling Should Ultimately Be Part of Your Touch Cadence

Greetings Laurie! I sincerely appreciate your time. The association focused on connecting opportunities has been an influential backer of expanding deals. Though, daily, we perceive innumerable online journals and pieces declaring that seeking after outside possibilities isn’t viable anymore. For what reason do you think there is such a strong predisposition against this training?

Laurie Page: Calling Should Ultimately Be Part of Your Touch Cadence

Certainly, expressing opinions is a natural part of human communication, and people may have differing views on various topics, including outbound prospecting. While some may believe that outbound prospecting is still effective, others may hold different opinions based on their experiences or observations.However, it is essential to acknowledge that outbound prospecting can indeed be a valuable strategy when executed with a well-defined plan and a proven process. The availability of numerous tools, technologies, and information can be advantageous for sales development teams, as they can leverage various mediums such as phone calls, emails, video, voicemail, and LinkedIn to engage potential buyers.To make outbound prospecting efficient and successful, having a strategic plan and a proven process in place is crucial. A well-structured approach can help sales development teams effectively manage their prospecting activities, prioritize leads, and optimize their conversions.

By combining the right tools and technologies with a well-crafted plan, sales development teams can enhance their outreach efforts and establish meaningful connections with potential buyers. This approach allows them to gather valuable insights, address prospects' pain points, and offer tailored solutions, ultimately increasing the likelihood of successful conversions.

Absolutely, I couldn't agree more. The essentials of an effective outbound prospecting process include:

1. Knowing Your Buyers: Understanding your target audience is paramount in outbound prospecting. This involves creating detailed buyer personas, identifying their pain points, needs, and preferences. The more you know about your prospects, the better you can tailor your messaging and approach to resonate with them.

2. Leveraging Information for Pre-call Planning: Prior to making any outbound call, conduct thorough research on the prospect and their company. Utilize available data and insights to understand their current challenges, recent achievements, and any other relevant information. This preparation helps you personalize your conversation and demonstrate genuine interest in their business.

3. Crafting a Compelling Message: Your messaging should be concise, relevant, and focused on the value you can provide to the prospect. Avoid using generic or vague statements that offer little value. Instead, highlight specific benefits and outcomes that address their unique needs and pain points. A compelling message will capture the prospect's attention and encourage further engagement.

4. Personalization and Relevance: Personalization is key to successful outbound prospecting. Tailor your message to each individual prospect based on their preferences and specific circumstances. Referencing recent events, industry trends, or mutual connections can create an immediate sense of relevance and build rapport.

5. Engaging and Value-Driven Approach: Approach your prospecting calls as an opportunity to provide value and solve their problems rather than simply making a sales pitch. Show genuine interest in their needs and challenges, and be prepared to offer insights and solutions that demonstrate your expertise and willingness to help.

6. Active Listening: During the call, actively listen to the prospect's responses and feedback. This helps you understand their concerns and adapt your approach accordingly. Listening also shows that you value their input and are focused on meeting their needs.

7. Follow-Up and Persistence: Not every prospect will convert immediately, so a systematic follow-up process is crucial. Be persistent but not pushy, and continue engaging with prospects through multiple channels, such as follow-up emails or LinkedIn messages. Consistent follow-up helps build relationships and increases the likelihood of conversion over time.

Absolutely, I couldn't agree more. The essentials of an effective outbound prospecting process include:

You have spent seventeen cycles with the Connection Consortium. How have interior vending and adjacent conventions changed over time??

The new rewritten paragraph: The inner workings of the sales field have progressed tremendously regarding reputation, skillfulness, and innovations that have been engineered and provided. Establishments have traveled the path from inception to initial public offering owing to enormously fruitful indoor sales drives.

While the journey progresses, particularly with abundant software services, interior vending constitutes a feasible conduit for these groups. The thrilling escapade persists, but it has undoubtedly matured as an occupation, I surmise. That would likely constitute the most substantial demarcation, as I discern it.

Moreover, an uptick has arisen in corporations appropriating in-house vending tactics and exploiting them relative to two decades past. Quantities evidence the swelling of IS over terrain sales or other maneuvers.

 The recently released Bridge Group SDR Report 2018 was praiseworthy. Fantastic effort! We relished perusing it! As stated in the report, obligations to execute are swelling following a sizable drop. In your view, what is catalyzing this inclination? Will it persist?

The quandary is complex. As OTEs rose, the preceding years had seen an almost stationary trend. Our research into sales progression has endured for over a decade, disseminating numerous chronicles during this interval.

Average experience of those selected decreased as the requirement was lowered to match heightened demand. In spite of the restricted supply of qualified candidates, compensation rose anew. The trajectory will likely persist, given current conditions.

On the other hand, OTEs rely heavily on the sum of expertise. Discrepancies shall emerge in remuneration twixt a fledgling university alum and an SDR boasting a trio of years’ practice.

SDRs' average tenure has shown some improvement after a decline in 2016. However, whether it will continue to grow or remain the same depends on how companies address the frustrations and challenges faced by SDRs.

The post-promotion failure rate of 55% for SDRs with less than 12 months of experience indicates that many companies might be rushing promotions and not providing enough support or development opportunities for their SDRs. This can lead to burnout and reluctance to stay in the role.

To increase the average tenure of SDRs, companies should focus on creating strategies that satisfy and retain their sales reps. One approach is to implement step promotions, allowing SDRs to progress gradually through different levels, such as junior to associate, level 1, level 2, and level 3. This tactic provides incentives for SDRs to stay longer in the role while gaining valuable experience and skills.

Keeping SDRs in the role for a longer period is beneficial for both the individual and the company. It allows SDRs to fully ramp up and become more effective Account Executives with enhanced skills and knowledge. On the other hand, companies benefit from having productive SDRs who have gained expertise in their roles.

Ultimately, it is essential for hiring managers and companies to focus on the development and satisfaction of their SDRs. By providing a supportive and rewarding environment, companies can increase the chances of SDRs staying in their roles for longer periods, leading to improved success rates and overall productivity. It's a win-win strategy that benefits both the individual SDRs and the company as a whole.

"Undoubtedly, many regard the sales development representative position as a springboard into a vending occupation. Peddling progress is rather taxing. It's a spearhead and you obtain scores of repudiation and pessimistic reactions regularly."

I concur. Undoubtedly posing formidable challenges to assume adequately , that position is one of the most arduous to occupy satisfactorily.

Have you ever worked as an SDR?

Yes, my experience as an SDR gives me valuable insights into the role and its challenges. I have worked as a telemarketer in the past when the role was known by that name. Additionally, I have experience working for an SDR outsourced organization, which further deepened my understanding of the role.

Throughout my career, I have witnessed the evolution of the SDR role. It is no longer seen as just a stepping point in one's career, but as a respected profession in its own right. This shift in perception has allowed for a more diverse background among SDRs, accommodating individuals who have different career aspirations.

In my hiring experience, I have come across various SDR profiles. Some were junior SDRs who aimed to advance into quota-carrying inside or field sales roles, while others were quota-carrying representatives who chose to become SDRs, specifically focusing on setting appointments rather than revenue generation. For example, some successful field reps transitioned to SDR roles to avoid extensive travel while continuing to contribute to the organization's sales efforts.

As the role of an SDR continues to evolve, it opens up opportunities for individuals from different career backgrounds to find their place in the profession. This diversity allows SDR teams to benefit from a wide range of experiences and skills, contributing to the overall success of the organization.

The best compensation plan for motivating SDRs to overachieve should be performance-based and tied to the objectives set for them. 

1. Per appointment: Compensate SDRs based on the number of introductory appointments they set with potential prospects. This encourages them to focus on scheduling meaningful interactions.

2. Additional meetings: Offer bonuses for exceeding a target number of meetings set. This can push SDRs to go above and beyond their minimum requirements.

3. Quality of appointments: Consider incorporating quality criteria for appointments. Reward SDRs for setting meetings with highly qualified prospects that meet specific criteria.

4. Progression in the pipeline: Recognize and compensate SDRs for advancing opportunities further into the sales pipeline. This can be based on moving leads from initial contact to more advanced stages.

It's important to remember that although SDRs may not be directly responsible for generating revenue, their role is still a sales position. As such, their compensation plan should reflect their ability to achieve targets and drive desired outcomes.

To determine the best compensation plan, it is crucial to first define the SDR strategy and objectives. For instance, will the focus be on setting introductory meetings with minimal qualification, or on passing highly qualified opportunities to the next stage?

In the case of the introductory meeting model, the compensation plan can be primarily based on the number of appointments set. However, it is also essential to consider setting quality criteria for appointments to ensure that the interactions are with promising prospects that align with the organization's goals.

While some companies opt to pay SDRs based on closed business or revenue, it is advisable to keep this portion of compensation between 10% and 20%. The bulk of their earning should be tied to the activities that they can directly control, such as the number of meetings set and their overall quality.

By structuring a performance-based compensation plan that aligns with the SDR objectives and desired behaviors, companies can effectively motivate their SDRs to exceed expectations and achieve outstanding results.

Ponder the horizon. As for you, what unfolding tendencies might manifest in the forthcoming solar sojourn?

That inquiry merits consideration. It appears that the availability of jobs shall persist in decreasing. Furthermore, the multiplication of mechanisms and inventions will endure as the pattern. Numerous methods of interacting with consumers exist. We have even executed certain analyses with assorted courses (visual, electronic messaging, telephonic, text messaging), and distinct potential clients favor distinct courses.

The revival of return on investment is a continuation from the previous year and will continue in the current year. Rather than expansion irrespective of expenditure, profit-generating development is gaining momentum. A greater number of establishments are investigating return on investment.

The reason for the somewhat confusing picture in the SDR stats, where the number of attempts to reach prospects has grown, the quota for qualified opportunities has increased, but the dials per day has decreased, while more SDRs are at or above quota, can be attributed to the use of multiple communication channels and tools available to SDRs today.

With advancements in technology, SDRs now have a variety of mediums to engage with potential buyers beyond just making phone calls. They can utilize video, text messages, social media platforms like LinkedIn, and more. These various touchpoints allow SDRs to distribute their outreach efforts across different channels, increasing the number of "touches" required to connect with prospects and convert them into qualified opportunities.

As a result, it's essential for SDRs to adopt a diversified approach to outbound prospecting by using a mix of communication mediums and methods. Some prospects may respond more positively to LinkedIn messages, while others might prefer phone calls. By leveraging a combination of channels, SDRs can increase their chances of reaching prospects and making meaningful connections.

Ponder the horizon. As for you, what unfolding tendencies might manifest in the forthcoming solar sojourn?

Trish Bertuzzi's perspective, which aligns with Matt Amundson's, emphasizes the importance of phone-calling in the touch cadence.

 Phone-calling allows SDRs to have real conversations with buyers, adding a personal touch and passion to their messages. It also enables them to leave effective voicemails that showcase their personality and enthusiasm, making them stand out from automated email campaigns.

Research shows that touch cadences that include phone-calling tend to outperform those that solely rely on other mediums. The ability to engage in human-to-human conversations with potential buyers can have a significant impact on the success of the outreach efforts.

. While fully automated B2B buying and selling processes, like the ones you described in ecommerce, work well for simple and standardized products (such as widgets), they may not be suitable for more complex and sophisticated solutions.

In the B2B world, many products and services are intricate and tailored to solve specific business problems. These complex technologies often require in-depth discussions and consultations with salespeople to understand the unique needs of the buyer and to customize the solution accordingly.

AI can certainly play a role in streamlining certain aspects of the sales process, such as lead generation, data analysis, and even initial interactions with potential buyers. However, when it comes to complex B2B transactions, salespeople remain essential for building relationships, understanding customer pain points, providing valuable insights, and guiding buyers through the decision-making process.

Human-to-human interactions are crucial for establishing trust, addressing concerns, and negotiating terms that go beyond simple online transactions. Salespeople bring empathy, creativity, and problem-solving skills to the table, which are difficult to replicate with AI alone.

While technology can enhance efficiency and provide valuable data insights, the role of salespeople in complex B2B sales will continue to be critical for building meaningful connections and delivering personalized solutions that meet the unique needs of each customer.

To make the most of phone-calling, SDRs need to develop the skills to leave effective voicemails, have clear call openings, and be adept at handling objections. With the right approach and a diversified touch cadence, SDRs can increase their chances of success and achieve their quotas more consistently.

The newly hired representative with negligible experience or the seasoned veteran with over a year under their belt, given the same compensation? This multifaceted coin holds within its perimeter perspectives paradoxically poised in polarity. The versed salesperson will foresee speedy advancement. However, they wield greater skill and can furnish more worth.

The position in question warrants initial scrutiny. However, to address your broad inquiry regarding superiority, a blend proves ideal. Green recruits inject vigor into a sales squad. Conversely, veterans tout a “been present, accomplished that” outlook.

Ultimately, I am a staunch advocate of varied collectives. Recurrently, I spur my patrons on to construct such groups. I have collaborated with corporations that enlist solely one portrayal (e.g. contemporary collegiate graduate). Though they may be triumphant, I still fervently encourage them that they diversify regarding recruitment.

Each constituent of the ensemble shall profit from such an arrangement. The elder associate shall derive stimulation and passion, in addition to abilities in tutelage. The less experienced seller of records shall gain knowledge in commercial compositions, maneuverings, and techniques. Consequently, it constitutes an advantageous circumstance for all involved.

The intricacies of peddling goods are rooted in multifaceted research and progress (e.g. decoding the building blocks of life) beg the question: is it preferable to enlist a representative focused on driving deals who grasps the technical concepts or someone versed in pushing product?

The following individual hasn't fully embraced either alternative. Notwithstanding, they believe an individual with experience in sales can grasp the fundamental concepts of an intricate technical offering. Concurrently, certain sales techniques could also be acquired and improved. An accomplished sales development representative requires the personality and particular qualities of a triumphant salesperson (with the premier being enthusiasm and yearning to accomplish it).

Henceforth, to resolve your inquiry, I would not necessarily select an individual excessively adept in the technical realm yet lacks the social skills or drive to fulfill the function since that person would encounter hardship.

 The occupation of an engineer does not necessarily translate to the role of a salesperson. If my inclination is to avoid verbal communication and prefer to interact solely through a monitor, my engineering competence will prove fruitless in a position demanding constant phone calls and discussions. While technical skills are imperative for an engineer, the ability to connect with people is essential for success in sales. Regardless of mastery in engineering, an aversion to collaborative conversation will hinder your prosperity as an account executive or sales representative.

The bulk of consumers I take on are enterprise technology enterprises furnishing technological solutions. When scouting individuals for these undertakings, I invariably scrutinized their proficiency with technology and capacity to gain knowledge. I sought out people to whom I could impart technological know-how.

While knowledge of a product's internal mechanisms isn't requisite, recognizing business motivations and adeptly conveying solutions are talents critical for those in sales. Via discourse and diverse channels, one must ascertain commercial incentives and strategically highlight how technology satisfies them.

You make some excellent points. Selling is not about gender; it's about the skills and qualities that salespeople possess, regardless of whether they are male or female. However, certain attributes that women often possess, such as strong listening skills, empathy, and emotional intelligence, can be highly beneficial in sales.

In the modern sales landscape, aggressive and pushy tactics are no longer effective. Prospects are looking for genuine conversations and value-added interactions. Salespeople who can listen actively, understand the prospect's needs, and provide valuable solutions are more likely to succeed.It's essential to approach prospecting as a conversational and engaging process rather than pushing for a sale right from the start. Building relationships and understanding the prospect's pain points are crucial for success.

Additionally, being organized and methodical is a valuable trait in sales. It helps salespeople stay on top of their tasks, manage their pipeline effectively, and provide a seamless experience for the prospect.Ultimately, successful salespeople, whether male or female, focus on building relationships, adding value, and engaging in meaningful conversations with their prospects. These qualities lead to better outcomes and help sales professionals thrive in their roles.

Absolutely, understanding the buyer and engaging in meaningful conversations are crucial aspects of sales success.

 The art of asking the right questions is indeed an essential skill that salespeople should master. By asking thoughtful and relevant questions, salespeople can uncover the prospect's needs, pain points, and challenges. This information allows them to position their solutions effectively and provide value to the prospect.

Asking questions not only helps salespeople gather important information

 but also demonstrates genuine interest in the prospect's concerns. It shows that the salesperson is focused on understanding the prospect's unique situation and tailoring their approach accordingly.

Moreover, putting oneself in the prospect's shoes is equally important. Empathy is a powerful tool in sales. By understanding the challenges and pressures that prospects face, salespeople can establish a connection and build trust. This empathy-driven approach allows salespeople to offer relevant solutions that truly address the prospect's needs and provide value.

While asking the right questions is essential, it is part of a broader skill set that successful salespeople possess. Understanding the buyer, active listening, empathy, and effective communication all work together to create a meaningful and engaging sales experience. By combining these skills, salespeople can build stronger relationships with prospects and increase their chances of success in sales.

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Josh B.

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